Tuesday Night Art Seminar- March Show- Radius Annex gallery /
An exhibit featuring work by the Tuesday Night Art Seminar! Showing work by 20 artists total! Show is open to the public for socially distanced viewing through the month of March! Check out the Radius Annex website for open days and hours. radiusannex.com
Art pictured here by Peggy Pfenninger, Greg Campanile, Natalie Whitlock, and Jeanne James.
Show statement: The Tuesday Night Art Seminar is a meeting of artists, painters, and students who share the intention to learn about and practice painting. The art we created during the last year felt significant, both individually and as a group, so I wanted to produce this exhibit as a shared record of where we each were artistically during the year 2020.I want to extend a huge thank you to Radius Community Art Studio for providing a common place where many of our group originally met. I also want to say thank you to each artist who created art, wrote statements, and participated in creating this show. As an artist and teacher, I have been deeply grateful to share time and the practice of art making with this group. So often art is more than just placing your brush on surface, though on some days that is the best we can each do. It has been a wonderful experience to watch as each person in this group continued to realize themselves and bring more to their practice. Lastly, I’d like to thank you as the viewer, because in showing this work to you, we come full circle in the process of contemplating, creating, and sharing. Jolyn Fry
ENDING STASIS Frosberg Gallery, Lower Columbia College /
The work in Ending Stasis invites the viewer to consider the relationship between art and mental well being. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness work of six artists who all use art making as a form of emotional exploration and healing. February 16th-March 12th 2021, Zoom reception: February 12th at 5pm
Art by Alyssa Black, Sandee McGee, Jolyn Fry, Julia Canfield, Alex Rushmore, and Ashley Larson
Social Distance Painting in August /
Fresh Air Painting 9am-Noon Saturday’s in August, Open invite!
August 29th Oaks Bottom Lower Trail-platform. Park in the parking lot where SE 7th meets Sellwood Blvd. There is a descending trail from the parking lot that takes you to the East side of the swamp. Here is a map with a red dot marking approximately where there is a view point platform beside the trail. It’s a bit of a hike, so pack light, we’ll be painting there!
Please plan to wear a mask and keep 6ft distance- pack light, and bring what you need️-remember bringing easels and seating are your choice :) -bring your own snacks, water, blanket, dress for the elements, consider wearing a brimmed hat -drop in as you like, and come and go as you prefer- remember to be respectful of others, wear a mask and keep 6ft distance!